The salt content varies from is 168.7 g/l to 403 g/L and the pH from 9 to 10.2. At their maximum (summer) extent, Lakes I, II and III have areas of 5.4 km2, 50 km2 and 80 km2 respectively. Lake I and II are seasonally dry, however Lake III is a permanent water body. The lakes have water depths between 0.3 m (Lake I) and 1 m (Lake III). This is the only surface input to the lakes, which are otherwise fed by direct precipitation and springs. A small stream discharges into Lake III from the southeast. Lake I discharges into Lake II (water-surface elevation of 4522 m asl) which in turn discharges into Lake III (water-surface elevation of 4520 m asl). Lake I is the upstream sub-basin and has a water-surface elevation of 4525 m asl. It consists of three sub-basins (called Lakes I, II and III) joined by narrow channels.